We support your organisation with the development of effective emergency management policies, plans and procedures to effectively deal with (potential) threats.These will help you to act when unexpected or threatening events occur. In agreement with your organisation's strategy, we will map the plan basis (threats, risks, vulnerabilities), responsibilities, operational concepts and processes. Next we will design the needed plans and procedures based in a coherent manner and document structure. We will be able to supplement anything that is missing in your organisation with our (inter)national experiences and identified best practices.
When developing plans and policies, we focus on;
- the use of international and internal knowledge and experience
- a pragmatic design
- a clear implementation strategy and plan
Example projects:
- Developing CBRN security policy and procedures for drink water companies and various hospitals
- Evaluating IAEA guidelines for nuclear installations
- Performing quick-scans for the development of safety and security policies in various hospitals
- Implementation of the 'National Nuclear Crisis Management Plan' (Nationaal Plan Kernongevallenbestrijding) for the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment