Drinking water in the Netherlands is among the best concerning quality, taste and security. In addition, the security of supply is among the highest in the world. But because of this, the availability of clean and sufficient drinking water is often taken for granted and customers and consumers would have great difficulty dealing with reduced water availability.
However, the sector is also subject to rapidly evolving threats and hazards. Small-scale incidents may ultimately have large scale effects on society in general and your company (incl. reputation and brand) in particular. Therefore, risks and vulnerabilities in integral water management should be reduced.
We identify the vulnerabilities and bottlenecks in your organisation and contribute to building resilience for dealing with emergencies with practical advice. We assist with the development of emergency response plans and can develop training, workshops and exercises tailored towards the needs in your organisation. We develop your business continuity management system and support your organisation with the implementation of various countermeasures. Because of our extensive experience and cooperation with multiple drinking water partners we can further contribute to the uniformity and quality in the field of risk management and preparation.