Capacity building (training), exercise and evaluation are essential parts of the preparation of effective incident response. We develop and execute training programmes, exercises and evaluations to ensure the perfect fit with the needs and the risk profile of your organisation. We are convinced that training, exercises and evaluating should be a regular feature of a well thought through cyclic learning process. This is why we offer a carefully tailored training programme, followed by realistic crisis simulations and finally a total evaluation with recommendations and advice. The connection is made by linking lessons identified and lessons learned from the educative cycle to specific objectives in future education, training and exercises. Our programmes and modules are based on solid analyses and (inter)national experience.
Education and training
The reasons for needing a specific course can vary , therefore It is essential to first identify the needs within your organisation. Possibly there is a discrepancy between the existing competencies and role requirements. sometimes a change within the organisation is needed that requires actualisation of knowledge and skills or a need for a structural education path. Together with your organisation, ISR Europe identifies the objectives and develops tailored programmes and modules. Programmes from ISR Nederland BV focus on knowledge transfer and communication next to networking and teambuilding. We develop and execute the following training courses:
- General training on disaster response and emergency / crisis management
- Basic crisis management skills training
- Dilemma training for emergency management teams
- Various masterclasses (focused on specific subjects, e.g. crisis management in the drink water sector, introduction to radiation and nuclear accidents management)
- Nuclear Accidents Control training
- Business continuity management training
- Crisis communication training
Learning and evaluating works best in a safe environment. We provide this safe environment for all exercises that we create.
ISR Nederland BV develops and executes exercises dealing with;
- CBRN(e) incidents or attacks
- Natural disasters
- (Animal) disease outbreaks / pandemics (e.g. Swine Flu)
- Terrorist attacks
- Large scale public disorder